For Acquirers & Merchants

Integrated System For
Merchant Accounting
Acquiring services play a pivotal role in facilitating internal financial transactions essential for the resolution of outstanding credit and debit balances with your merchants. These transactions are tailored to settle any pending credit balances owed to the merchant and invoice merchants for any outstanding debit balances. The settlement frequency is flexible, allowing merchants to be reconciled either intra-day or at predetermined intervals, such as the end-of-day or end-of-month, based on their preferred settlement method.
Accounting for Acquirers
Unified Platform
Balance-based Settlement
This method involves reconciling and settling transactions based on the overall balance owed to the merchant. It provides a comprehensive overview of the financial relationship between your business and the merchant.
Transaction-based Settlement
Settlements are determined & executed on a transaction-by-transaction basis. This method allows for a granular & detailed examination of individual transactions, ensuring accurate & timely settlements.
Multi-Currency Settlement
For merchants involved in international transactions, this service accommodates settlements in multiple currencies. It addresses the complexity of dealing with diverse currencies and ensures accurate conversions during the settlement process.
Rolling Reserve Settlement
Here, a predetermined percentage of funds from each transaction is set aside as a reserve held for a specified period, after which, the reserved funds are gradually released, providing a risk-mitigation mechanism for both parties involved.
In essence,
Our acquiring services offer a flexible and comprehensive approach to settling financial transactions, catering to the unique preferences and requirements of your diverse merchant base. Whether it’s balancing accounts based on overall balances, individual transactions, handling multiple currencies, or implementing rolling reserves, our services are designed to optimize the efficiency and accuracy of the settlement process.
Explore our Acquiring Accounting!
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