In-Solutions Global Ltd


Data Stage Studio - ETL, Process or Workflow Manager & Metadata Manager


ISGBI monitors, analyses, and plans your business decisions by using the blocks of administration, management reporting, and analytics. One suite comprising the Data Stage Studio – ETL, Process or Workflow Manager & Metadata Manager

How does it solve the problem?

Integrates multiple sources of information like Core Banking, Treasury, Eximbills, Inhouse-Application, HRM, NPA, Etc., into one single repository.

Generates centralized data which stores to support all report requirements.

Handles in-memory processing solutions for transaction handling.

Integrates with bank’s HRM/LDAP to authorize and provide the access control system

Monitors real-time data of business functions

Up-to-the-Minute Analytics

ISGBI enables everyone at every level of your organization to make confident decisions using up-to-the-minute analytics. It supports:

  • Multiple levels – User Access Control (Branches, Zones, Special Groups, Departments, and HO)
  • Account-level business validations
  • RBI or Statutory Exposure repository creation
  • Auto-scheduled reports generation
  • Mail synchronization for automatic report delivery to stakeholders
  • SMS Alert feature to send text alerts to the user
  • Weekly and monthly bulletins for business performance
  • Multiple databases integration like Oracle, Postgres, Microsoft SQL, MongoDB & MySQL
  • Other BI Interface Integrations like Microsoft Power BI for data analytics


Pro MIS Version | ISGBI

Further, ISGBI not only allows for upgrades to data warehouse solutions by facts and dimension creation but also improves Performance in the report generation process.